Who the heck is IANB?

Ian Beaudet is an animal (the term is accurate), passionate, sometimes a bit impatient, madly in love with his stomping grounds and interested in adrenaline, good food, fine scotch, gin, good wine, Blues, humour, technology, politics, communication, information, canine company, true friendship, and in anything forbidden, immoral or fattening.

I spent most of my life in Québec City, a city I love, and after a four-year stay in Paris, I live six month with the woman (-ex) and the sunshine of my life in Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar. Now, I live in Montréal and Cape Town.

Following a Cardiovascular Accident that appended in August 2006, I'm at home for rehabilitation. I had to relearn how to speak, read and write and I'm still getting better at it everyday.

And now, Maeva...

That’s it?

Of course not!  What really defines me as a person is neither where I live nor how I keep busy, but rather the people around me: who I am is the direct result of my contacts with them all.

Each of the persons I meet, see, rub shoulders with, love or hate leaves something of themselves, hence contributing to this entity in constant evolution that I am.

More than the expression of electronic narcissism, this web site is what you may call the mirror to that entity.

It is also - and especially - a showcase, an anchor, that enable me to share certain moments with these friends that I do not have the chance rub and meet as much as I would like from an ocean or continent keep us apart...

My moods...

My places to live...

IANB’s Universe
Universe: The world scale, material or moral, in which a Person lives, fields of activity.

My universe...

Cape Town, South Africa, 2023